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Personal Interests


I played football for well over 10 years of my life and still love the game although I no longer play. In high school I was lucky enough to earn the honor of First-Team All-State for being one of the best linebackers in the Pennsylvania. I spent my freshman year playing for Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York. Unfortunately I was forced to transfer to Temple University for financial reasons, but I’m now happy to call this place home. Although I no longer play, I still enjoy watching from the sidelines and of course rooting for the Eagles!



As I briefly mentioned in my “Welcome” page, I enlisted into the National Guard a little over a year ago. I always knew I would like to serve my country, I just never thought it would be so soon. My original intentions were to enlist after college and serve a 2-3 year term in the Army, but when I was met with financial hardships the plan had to change. I was lucky enough to be supported by my family and a great staff in the ROTC department as they guided me on my way. There was a lot of risk involved, and I was never guaranteed the success and financial stability I now have, but I worked hard throughout basic training, learned a lot, and was able to transfer that skill over to the ROTC program. After a few short weeks the staff there had offered me a two-year scholarship and I gladly accepted. My prayers have been met, and I will now be able to graduate in few short years. Upon graduation I will also become a commissioned officer on reserve status, which allows me to do both, pursue my professional career and serve my country.



In my first year at Temple I was lucky enough to link up with a great group of men in the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. I pledged for them in the Fall of 2011 and was later initiated into their brotherhood. Although most of my time now is consumed by the military, I can still never forget the friends I made there and their continued support for my military career.

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