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Career Goals

After finishing my education here at Temple I hope to use the experience and knowledge that I’ve gained to help my future pursuit in business. My experience with Vector Marketing has taught me how to be a superb sales rep and an effective manager. I hope to create, run, or help a company that can truly change the world for the better. The idea of a company being ethical, efficient, and innovative excites me. Technology is currently advancing at an almost unimaginable pace, and the economies of the world are all becoming connected. The future presents us with a unique opportunity to shape the world in positive image; one where efficient, innovative businesses can help help provide solutions for global issues in a moral and effective way. I can see a future where businesses will play crucial roles in putting an end to poverty, creating products that can change the lives of billions, and putting an end to the great energy crisis. The opportunity to create a better future is here, and I can’t wait to be a part of it. I believe my knowledge of entrepreneurial principles and practices and my understanding of domestic and international politics and economics will be invaluable in accomplishing my future career goals.

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