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Renewal by Anderson

Marketing Representative:

I spent my time at Renewal by Anderson working very closely with potential clients, and going out to multiple events in order to gain new customers. I represented the brand going out to these events, so I had to maintain a very professional demeanor and develop my social skills in order to properly communicate with the multitude of people I dealt with on a daily basis.

This job has prepared me for future careers by showing me how to maintain myself in a business scenario. Interacting with potential customers and business professionals has showed me how to bridge the gap when communicating with both sides of the spectrum. This is a key part of being a Business Analyst, and is an important skill to try and perfect.

Hanover Township Community Center

Community Center Consultant:

I managed the incoming clients into the local community center. This dealt with constant communication with incoming possible clients, handling complaints, and attempting to get the clients to purchase a membership. Everyday I was working with the director and potential costumers which greatly improved my communication skills and ability to work with others.

Corked Wine Bar and Grill

Expeditor and Food Runner:

During my time at the restaurant I worked on the line, constantly communicating with the chefs and servers to ensure the food tickets were processed properly and coming out to the guests on time. Then adding finishing garnishes on the food ,I would tell the food runners which seats and tables it would go to, helping them bring it out myself then.

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