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  • Business analysis
  • Database management systems
  • Information architecture
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Work Experience

Despite not having a specific Information Technology internship, I have garnered a bit of experience in the field from a few jobs I had. The only program that I used in that time was Excel. There were other web applications used for certain projects as well


Carpets and Rugs International

My high school job at a local rug store was a fascinating one due to the fact that the store was so behind the time. I had always had interest in databases and information so I used that interest in starting a project for the store. My boss had a paper database of the clients that I wanted to transform into its very own excel document. This would make finding clients a lot easier and seeing the purchases they made. My boss would give discounts to returning customers while using the excel file. This project was something that got me into IT and I have never looked back.

Dick’s Sporting Goods

My position at Dick’s Sporting Goods was not too complicated but it ended up helping me with management. I worked in the back and would often need to carry freight throughout the store. There were a few instances where I was allowed to take charge and verify what items came through. I used Dick’s specific software in order to process what was coming in.


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