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My Experiences

I have acquired two Internships during the summers when I pursuit my college degree. Here is a list of them with brief introduction of what I did during my intern.


Infinity Logo

Infinity Wines & Spirit, Shanghai, China-Marketing Intern 2013 summer

During this internship, my primary responsibility is to conduct a market analysis for Infinity to evaluate whether E-commerce as a new opportunity. This research requires collection of online data to evaluate business opportunities.   My second responsibility is to be a Bilingual Translator, for both company publishments and internal documents. I am also required to draft several publishments and this task involves designing publishments via power point and Microsoft publisher.  In this intern, I also had the opportunity to be involved in the coordination process of the company’s new joint venture.

Learning Alliance logo

Learning Alliance, Shanghai, China -Administration Department Intern 2010 summer

During this internship I have assists Learning Alliance to process their clash satisfaction research. This research involves processing surveys that are distributed after class, and involves the use of SPSS and Excel. I am also assigned as the lecher’s assistant. This job requires me to assists in class discussion and provide technical support such as projector utilization and lecture photographing. This job also involves Working with customers on meeting custom demands and providing English to Chinese translations along with venue management. Later in this internship I was also involved in translating Lecher’s resume and course slides. These translations are bilingual and requires proficiency in both English and Chinese.

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