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  • App development
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With the pandemic and the interesting times that we are currently in, traveling has been one thing that has not been an option for some people. The transition to a more separated society due to the social distancing procedures has given me, now more than ever, an itch to travel more and connect with new people and cultures. The few places I’ve been to so far are Washington DC, New York, and Ames Iowa. I hope to continue to travel to new places and discover new customs along the way. 

Giving Back

Giving back to the community is very important to me. Growing up in Philadelphia’s inner city, in an urban environment, common resources that would normally be available in other places are often unavailable or of limited quantity. As a young adult who navigated through these areas, I see firsthand how growing up without certain resources can shape someone’s success over time. Providing these resources can change lives as community-based programs, alike, have changed mines growing up. On a smaller scale, whenever I can donate dry foods, money, and necessities I do so. I hope to scale and become more involved by networking with like-minded students and helping out more in the local communities.

Sneaker Reselling 

I am an avid sneaker enthusiast and reseller in the making. In my spare time, Two years ago I started reselling limited sneakers as a way to make some income on the side and it has now become one of my favorite hobbies. Ironically one of the methods I use to secure my merchandise is called a sneaker-bot which is developed using code, creating an add-to-cart scenario. I hope to continue to keep reselling even after college, I enjoy the connections, technical, and business skills that I am gaining along the way.


Since taking my introductory course in digital systems, I have had an interest in learning more about the coding world and in my spare time, I love to research and find anything that is of value and interesting. Having this skill in my toolset will set me apart and I hope to hone in on these skills and become at least proficient at it as I navigate through the rest of my major-specific courses here at Temple and beyond.

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