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Hobbies and Interest


I am always fond of every new technology that comes out because it shows how the world has changed throughout the years. In today’s world technology seems to be the most important part of everyone’s lives. Today almost everyone has some form of communication device and everyday people seem to create new forms of technology. Even businesses need to update their electronic devices to be successful and more efficient. One of the most important reasons some of the biggest companies in the world are successful is because they are able to adapt to the new technology.



Sports such as soccer, football, basketball, baseball are so interest and it has become such a huge part of people’s lives. I have always loved soccer and since I have moved to the United States, football and basketball have really interested me. I do not just enjoy watching the sport but also love to play it because it requires a lot of communication between people and it is also a good way to spent time with friends on a beautiful day.

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