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Filtering Through the Google Noise: What Marketers Need to Know

In this webinar, our speaker was Andrew Miller who works as SVP, Search & Emerging Media at CMI/Compas. He talked about the importance of digital marketing as this career path grows rapidly with technology growth.

He touched the importance of Google and its constant changes in a company such as Project Nightingale partnership which allows Google to gain access to healthcare data, acquisition of FitBit which gives Google access to people\’s health wellbeing, and possible third-party cookie removal for the next two years which will drastically affect web tracking and data collection for marketing people because Google Chrome is 65% of market share.

While changes happen throughout a year and updates are being released frequently, and Google gives directions to marketers and brands, it is essentially important to be proactive and look for updates and educate yourself: do the research, identify areas of impact, and share insights and strategy. Digital marketing requires attention to detail and project management as a base skill set, but for advertising, you also will need to be advanced in Excel, know how to constantly gather and analyze data, and how to use Google Analytics.

From this webinar, I learned how technology affects all areas of business, including marketing. It not only provided an opportunity for advertising for businesses, but it also changed the way businesses did marketing.

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