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Career Objectives

There is not one thing I could say that I absolutely want to do considering the amount of endless possibilities for marketing in the world today. Even though this is true there are a couple things I would really enjoy pursuing in my career after college. In the past couple years technology as grown tremendous amount, which is what drove my decision to complete a minor in MIS before graduating. I have a great passion for technology and would love to work with it on a everyday basis. Growing up in this technological revolution has given me the chance to become very familiar and experienced in all forms of social networking. These social networking sites help marketers reach people all over the world. Another one of my passions is going to the gym and staying healthy. I would love to be able to make people aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle by using the marketing skills I have learned at Temple. In the end I am very open to a lot of different career paths and hope to use the skills I have learned at Temple University to finding an enjoyable and interesting career.

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