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Interests & Hobbies


One of my favorite and most recent interests is traveling. In Spring 2014, I participated in Temple University’s Study Abroad program in Rome to immerse myself in the language and culture of Italy. I had never left the United States prior to this program, and studying in a foreign country for a semester was one of the best decisions I have made in my college career. I have taken a great interest in traveling, and studying abroad has inspired me to not only return to Europe, but to travel my own country as well. This excursion  has opened my eyes to so many new cultures and lifestyles that I wouldn’t have gotten to experience otherwise. I was fortunate enough to visit seven different countries, and dozens of cities. During my time in Rome, I was constantly learning the language, and now have a greater appreciation for lifestyles and cultures different than my own.



Another activity I greatly enjoy is being a member of the Temple University Diamond Marching band. I have been a clarinet player in the 200+ member band since my freshman year at Temple and every fall, we spend countless hours practicing to prepare new shows each week to pump up the Temple football fans at Lincoln Financial Field. Being a member of the Diamond Marching Band has given me amazing opportunities that not many other students at Temple get to experience. I got the opportunity to travel with the football team to Albuquerque, New Mexico for a bowl game in December  2011. The Diamond Marching Band is also featured in Martin Scorcese’s recent production of The Wolf on Wall Street starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. Being a part of this organization is by far the best decision I made coming to Temple and I wouldn’t be able to have these once in a lifetime experiences any other way.




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