Community Platform
  • Business analysis
  • Data analytics
  • Database management systems
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Selected Courses

Data-Centric Application Development – In this course I was able to learn the fundamentals of web design as it relates to data collection. Using PHP, SQL, and PDO to connect the two, the class covered a wide range of data-based technology topics. This will be particularly  useful in the field to develop applications for data analysis, collection and organization. It also gave me a viable framework for web design which I can use in the future.

Data Analytics – This class covered the basics of data collection, cleaning and analysis. Focusing more on the business side of the topic, the class sought to provide a framework for data presentation in company scenarios. This introduced me to many of the basics for data analysis and will give me a solid foundation to build on during my career. Specifically, this class helped most in database scenarios.

Statistical Business Analytics – This was statistics with a focus on business. I was able to apply this course to my MIS courses, seamlessly integrating statistics into data analysis. My pursuit of machine learning, which relies heavily on statistics, will use this class as a backbone for more specific topics to be built on top.

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