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Career Objectives

eyAs an accounting major, it is my goal to one day work for one of the Big 4 accounting firms in the Audit/Assurance service line. Working for the Big 4 would provide with me a great opportunity to learn as much as possible about the accounting industry, and gain a substantial amount of experience auditing large clients. For those who are unfamiliar with the Big 4, they are the 4 largest international public accounting firms, both in the amount of clients they serve, and the amount of revenue they generate each year. The Big 4 accounting firms include: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Ernst &Young (EY), Deloitte, and KPMG. Overall, these firms and their employees are known for doing phenomenal work and providing excellent client service. This is exactly why I would love to be a part of at least one of these firms, throughout the course of my career, and be a part of a firm that I can truly add value to as a public accountant.


kmThis summer, I am fortunate enough to get the chance to participate in the summer leadership programs of 4 different accounting firms. These programs will be a great opportunity for me to witness the inner workings of each of the different firms, from their culture, to the types of industries they serve. This will help me to get a better understanding of what life is like for a public accountant working at a prestigious accounting firm. It will also help me to start thinking about which firm is a better fit for me. These programs include: KPMG’s Discover Summer Leadership Program, Deloitte’s National Leadership Conference, PwC’s Elevate Program, and Kreischer Miller’s KM Experience Program.

deloitte 2

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