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Contract Specialist Intern

Name of Company:



700 Robbins Avenue, Bldg. 9

Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098


I have compiled a list of new tasks that I am currently working on for my internship. Some of these new tasks are listed below:

1. Liaison between the IT department and contractors in my section:


Since many of the employees that work at NAVSUP WSS are from the Baby Boomer and Gen X era, there is huge technological information gap between the IT department and them. Since I am familiar with technology and understand systems such as ERP, SAP, and ITIMP, I am able to communicate crucial IT updates and system assistance to the employees in my section.


  1. NAVSUP WSS recently approved the funding and initiative for a “Tech Refresh” throughout the whole building. This initiative was approved to increase operation efficiency by replacing all outdated hardware from the early 2000s.


I assisted the IT department on the tech refresh initiative for over 12 computers in my section. This includes manually setting up each station, backing and transferring classified data from the old machines to the new computers, creating drive mappings, and configuring software to meet the correct criteria to work on the new machines.


  1. Contracting Analytics (Attached)


When I first arrived at NAVSUP WSS, much of my work was associated with classified data entry. Although the government has tons of big data, this data was not being used at its maximum potential. Since I am a MIS major, I know the importance of data analytics and how this will benefit the government and more importantly, the taxpayer’s money. With the approval of my commander and supervisor, my lieutenant and I have started an initiative to convert this data into information that can be utilized throughout the whole organization. The lieutenant in my section is familiar with data analysis and has brought this initiative to higher-ranking officials in Mechanicsburg, PA for further approval. Although we currently do not have tools and clearance to the big data that is needed to build an actual product, I am using the tools provided by my MIS classes such as Tableau to construct a data visualization prototype. With this prototype, I hope to show upper management how each contracting division is doing compared to one another in terms of the amount of contractual awards being made.

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