Community Platform
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Business process analysis
  • Database management systems
  • more...
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MIS and Business Courses Completed or In Progress

  • Information Systems in Organizations
  • Data Analytics
  • Data-Centric Application Development
  • Leadership and Organizational Management
  • Introduction to Risk Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Financial Accounting
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Statistical Business Analytics
  • Macroeconomic Principles
  • Microeconomic Principles
  • Professional Development Strategies
  • Excel for Business Application

These are the courses that I have taken so far throughout my college career at the Fox School of Business. From these courses, I have learned and are still learning many different aspects of business from how technology or data works within different organizations, risks that businesses have and networking.

In the Data-Centric Application Development class, I learned how to develop and create interactive, database driven web sites with software such as; PHP, HTML and CSS.

While the Data Analytics class provided me with information on how interpret and analyze business data. It helps me understand different types of business data by using various analytical methods.

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