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Flash Research Assignment

Kevin Hanie

MIS 3406 Flash Research Assignment


If our company adopts SharePoint for our document management needs, we will be able to generate a net benefit of $1.8 million over three years. SharePoint can enable our PMPs to more easily share documents and manage different versions of the same document. This will free up time for the PMPs, thus increasing billable hours and revenue.

SharePoint is a system that enables an organization to store documents in a central location. Unlike the typical file-storage of documents on a server, SharePoint acts as an intranet for a company, with documents easily accessible by url. Edit histories are saved by SharePoint, meaning that multiple versions do not need to be saved. Also, SharePoint allows for the granting or denial of access to different users and groups. Therein lies SharePoint’s key capabilities; we would no longer have to spend as much time finding correct versions of documents, and they would be shared automatically with the correct people. Without SharePoint, our PMPs are only able to bill out 75% of their time. By using SharePoint, they would be able to increase that value to 95%.

If we adopted SharePoint, the total cost would come to $154,000 over three years, which includes set up and maintenance. However, because employees will be able to increase billable hours, total revenue over three years would be $9,875,250, and we would realize a three year net benefit of $1,846,250.
















Works Referenced


Alexander, Michael. “What is SharePoint?” Dummies, Accessed 4 Dec. 2018.


“Microsoft SharePoint: What it is and why it matters.” R&g Technologies, Accessed 4 Dec. 2018.


W., Hunter. “What is SharePoint? A Beginner’s Guide.” AvePoint, 1 Oct. 2018, Accesed 4 Dec. 2018.





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