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Sales Associate Internship

During the Summer of 2024, I had the opportunity to work with Aflac, a supplemental insurance company dedicated to providing both individuals and small business owners with financial protection. I worked with multiple associates and team members to prospect businesses to educate business owners about the policies Aflac offers, explaining how the company could benefit them. My day-to-day tasks involved performing a needs analysis for different clients, developing and supporting sales presentations, and providing customer services. The internship helped me significantly improve my communication skills and provided me with tools and resources I use to network with other businesses. Additionally, the program gave me insightful knowledge on insurance policies and how they can be extremely beneficial to anyone, depending on where they have room for improvement.

This internship was sponsored by Matthew O’Hanlon, and I am very thankful to have been given this opportunity. I have built and refined skills that I will use for a lifetime.

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