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Flash Research Paper-Datacenters and Networking

Katie Margraf

Flash Research Paper #1

Datacenters and Networking

This company is spending $25,670,304.00 per year on downtime with the Tier I data center. Updating to a Tier III data center will decrease power outages as the center runs on concurrent maintenance. Keeping the Tier I data center will be very costly over the next three years however, investing in a Tier III data center will save our company millions of dollars spent on downtime.

The Tier III data center has concurrent maintenance, meaning if there are problems within the data center, it can be fixed without shutting the entire system down. Tier III has one active and one alternate distribution path whereas Tier I only has one path. It is crucial to be able to regularly perform maintenance on the data center because it will decrease risk of unplanned downtime. The Tier III data center having concurrent maintenance is also beneficial because every time a part is scheduled maintenance the data center will continue to run like new.

Implementing the Tier III data center results in a net benefit of $48,229,056 for our company in three years. The initial cost of the data center is $35,000,000 and will take one year to implement. Continuing with the Tier I data center the total downtime is costing $25,670,304 per year however; Tier III data center downtime is only $1,555,776 per year. By investing and implementing the Tier III data center our company is saving a total of $24,114,528 per year. At the end of three years, the company will save $13,229,056 after implementing the Tier III datacenter.



  Minutes in a year Availability Downtime Cost Per year
Tier 1 525,600 99.67% 1,734.48 minutes $25,670,304
Tier III 525,600 99.98% 105.12 minutes $1,555,776

Savings Per Year: $24,114,528

  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
Cost $35,000,000 0 0 $35,000,000
Benefit 0 24,114,528 24,114,528 $48,229,056

3-Year Benefits: $13,229,056


Works Cited

Seader, John H., and Vincent E. Renaud. Data Center Site Infrastructure Tier Standard: Topology. Ed. Julian S. Kudritzki and Kenneth G. Brill. By W. Pitt Turner. New York: Uptime Institute, 2012. 1-8. Print.

“Explain: Tier 1 / Tier 2 / Tier 3 / Tier 4 Data Center.” Linux Unix Tutorial for Beginners and Advanced Users NixCraft RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2015.

“Tier Standards Overview | Data Centers | Colocation America.” Colocation America. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Feb. 2015.

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