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MIS2502 Pro Point Project

In addition to giving students like me more practical experience with data analysis, this project aimed to reinforce the ideas and techniques we learned in class. For this assignment, I had to utilize Decision Tree analysis to create the outcome variable prediction using a new, proper dataset that I found online that had never been used in the class before. For this project, I created a decision tree model that uses a patient’s physiological and demographic information to determine which medication would be best for them if they have a particular illness. With nodes showing extreme probabilities that offered insightful information about patient responses and medication effectiveness, the model was able to predict medication outcomes with a high degree of accuracy. Through this project, I was able to expand my knowledge of personalized medicine approaches and gain a deeper understanding of decision tree algorithms, feature selection, and model tuning. I also gained insights into the intricate relationships that exist between medication efficacy and patient characteristics.

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