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  • JavaScript
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This Year
115 Points
305 Points
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A Chat with Black Professionals in Tech & Cybersecurity

This semester I attended a virtual event co-hosted by the CARE Lab, Black Girls Hack, and the Women in Cybersecurity in honor of Black History Month. The event focused on the experiences, challenges, and achievements of people of color in the cybersecurity field. Listening to the panelists, distinguished professionals in the industry, share their journeys was incredibly insightful. I learned about the intricacies of their roles and responsibilities, as well as the broader challenges they face both within and outside the field. It was inspiring to hear about the resilience and determination these individuals exhibit in overcoming obstacles. The event also sparked important discussions about diversity, inclusion, and how to support people of color pursuing careers in cybersecurity. Overall, it was a valuable experience that expanded my understanding of the industry and the importance of fostering an inclusive environment.

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