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IT Intern

June 3rd 2024 – August 30 2024

Information about the Organization
Over the summer of 2024, I worked as an IT Support Intern with the Data Team at Heights Philadelphia, a non-profit organization focused on bridging the educational gap and providing pathways to economic mobility for students in Philadelphia. Formed from the merger of Philadelphia Futures and Steppingstone Scholars, Heights Philadelphia aims to ensure that all students graduate high school with opportunities for success in college and careers. The organization operates from its headquarters at 123 S Broad St in the Wells Fargo building, 8th floor. My role was within the Technical Support and IT Services division, specifically supporting the Data Team to ensure that the technology infrastructure was reliable and efficient.

Job Function
As an IT Support Intern, I provided technical assistance on hardware and software-related issues to staff and students, particularly those within the Data Team. My responsibilities included installing, configuring, and troubleshooting computer systems, monitoring system performance, and maintaining IT assets. I ensured that the systems used for data management were functioning optimally, supporting the Data Team’s operations.

Examples of Projects
During this internship, I worked on many projects. I re-imaged devices that were stuck in loops due to corrupted software, managed the inventory of laptops used in various summer programs, and updated and wiped the memory of these devices. Additionally, I helped create and maintain a database using Salesforce and Excel to track device allocations to staff members and to facilitate issue tracking through a ticketing system. This project was crucial for ensuring that IT-related issues were promptly resolved, contributing to the efficiency of the Data Team’s work.

What I Learned and How It Relates to MIS
This internship provided me with practical experience that directly relates to my major in Management Information Systems (MIS). By working with the Data Team, I applied concepts from my courses in Digital Systems and Data Analytics. Creating and managing databases to support the Data Team’s operations allowed me to gain valuable experience in database management and data organization, which are key components of MIS. Additionally, troubleshooting technical issues and ensuring the smooth operation of IT systems enhanced my problem-solving skills, further connecting this experience to my academic studies.


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