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My Hobbies

My hobbies include traveling, reading books, working out, spending time with friends and family, and working. I was fortunate enough to travel to Europe twice through a school club called Destination with Directions, which focuses on opening students eyes to other cultures by traveling to other countries. Over the course of the two trips I traveled to England, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic. This was an eye opening experience for me and helped persuade me that I should pursue a degree in International Business. I was also fortunate enough to travel to London in August of 2013 with my mother for a family vacation. A great lesson out of all of this was that I paid for everything in its entirety for the second school trip I went on and the trip I went on with my mother. I truly learned the value of a dollar as they say, how to save my money and be responsible, and working hard to achieve goals of mine. History is my favorite subject and rock and roll is my favorite genre of music, so I typically enjoy reading biographies or autobiographies regarding people in these two specific areas. Since Thanksgiving of 2012 I have taken great pleasure in working out and trying to put on weight and stay in shape at my local gym and gym at school, which has led me to learn what my limits are and test them, along with making new friends. I enjoy spending time with friends and family to help unwind from the stress school and work can sometimes cause.

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