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Course Work

Courses in Progress

Finance 3101-  Financial Management

MIS 2101- Information Systems in Organizations

Risk Management 2101- Introduction to Risk Management

Operations Management 3101- Operations Management

Completed Courses

Temple University

Business Administration 3102- Business Society and Ethics

Marketing 2101- Marketing Management

Environment 1052- Introduction to Physical Environment

Statistics 1102- Calculus for Business

Montgomery County Community College

Economics 121- Macroeconomics

Economics 122- Microeconomics

Accounting 111- Accounting Principals I

Accounting 112- Accounting Principals II

Management 111- Principals of Management

Statistics 131- Intro to Statistics I

Statistics 132- Intro to Stat II

Math 140- Finite Mathematics for Business

English 101- English Composition I

English 102- English Composition II

English 238- Literary Vision of Film

History 101- History of Western Civilization Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern times

History 107- History of Western Civilization-Modern European Era

Speech 110- Introduction to Speech Communication

Health 206- Basic Nutrition



Environment 1052- Introduction to Physical Environment





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