Community Platform
  • Business analysis
  • Business continuity
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Collaborative systems
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Career Objectives

I still have a great deal to accomplish here at Temple University and I am looking forward to a bright future after college.  I am currently a MIS major and I am pursuing my bachelors degree.  Last semester, Fall 2014, I studied abroad at Temple’s Rome campus.  I want to take advantage of everything that Temple has to offer and one of my aspirations is to see the world, Temple helped me fulfill this goal.  I learned an immense amount about business and culture by studying over seas.  While in Rome I completed a business internship with an extremely popular company in the field of food and wine media, Gambero Rosso.  The hands on experience that I received from this internship has been crucial.   I want to expand my knowledge as much as I can outside of the classroom and I am seizing the opportunity to do so.   I became a member of  AIS (Association of Information Systems) in the spring of 2014.  This semester I plan on becoming more involved within the AIS community and expand as a member.  It seems like working with IT was something I was always meant to do.  I am excited to expand my knowledge of the IT world through hands on interaction. I work well with others and consider myself a productive leader.  I am excited to pursue a career, join the business workplace, and be a valuable part of a corporation or business.

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