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My Projects

I deiced to include a paper i did several semester ago in a Society and Mass Media course. The Paper is about culture jamming: it is about misguiding the media to believe you are discussing one topic, but switch it around so you can talk about a platform that they wouldn’t have aired with the prior knowledge. I think this paper is a relevant to marketing, because it is a anarchist technique that wouldn’t typically be used, but thinking outside the box and drastic measure can be useful. Click here to view.

I also will be including a paper i did in an intercultural communications course. This paper highlight my abilities to relate with a person from another country. I am able to dig under the root of him as person, and it lead me to an insight that drives back to the age old question,”nature vs nurture.” My ability to analyze this person demonstrates the fact that I can relate with not just my demographic but others. This will help in market research. Click here to view.

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