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Prototype Screens

Below you will find an assortment of screens extracted from our prototype.  You can manually test out the application by clicking this link, which will direct you to a navigable trial of Last Fan Standing.

 This is the welcome screen. From here you can sort through popular, most played and weekly tournaments as well as check out the leaderboard or go straight to the game lobby.
Welcome Screen

The lobby shows you all the different league and team options available to play

Lobby Screen

Select what game level you want to play at and how much you want to spend.

Before playing you will confirm the game you are playing. This will show you how much the game costs in fan fare as well as total players and the start time.
Join Room Screen

Now you’re playing. Answer quick because the faster you correctly answer the question the more points you earn. From here you can also see how many fans are left between you and victory.

Question Screen

If you get the answer wrong you are knocked out. Have no fear, you still earn valuable experience points for the leaderboard.
Losing Screen

We know you won’t answer wrong, so this is what the winning screen will look like for you. Prize money and experience points are listed
Winning Screen

Then you return back to the welcome page and we know you will play again!


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