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Volunteer Service Activity at a Cat Shelter

For my community service, I volunteered at an animal shelter which was my role. The name of the animal shelter is PAWSibilities Animal Rescue Inc. It is located in Skippack, PA. The result is that I took care of cats. I cleaned the shelter, gave cats clean linens, and washed the dishes so they could eat and drink on a clean plate. I also put medicine in Guinea pigs’ mouths. I also donated cat food, cat toys, and cat combs to them. The animal shelter also has a thrift shop. My donation will go to the thrift shop where all the items they sell that the money will go to help support the cats there. There was no sponsorship, it is a Non-IT related Volunteer/Community Service to help the animal shelter. I learned something new when I volunteer at PAWSibilities. The items that sold the most were animal theme especially if it is a cat. I  learned that it is okay if a few cat hair remains in the clean water because it will take a long time to completely and totally get rid of all cat hair in the water bowl. A new experience I learned with the help of another volunteer who has also not done it before is putting medicine in Guinea pigs’ mouths.

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