Let me tell you something……

Jonathan Latko

MIS2101 Class Update May 22nd


  1. The syllabus schedule has been updated as of today.   The final will now be taken in class on June 27th.  That means I had to adjust some due dates of assignments and readings for the 2nd half of the course. Please take note!!!!! (no class after June 27th)
  2. Please make sure you have purchased the online materials and have taken the online quiz for Chapter 2  before class on Thursday (no extensions). At your leisure before we take the mid-term, complete the quiz  for Chapter 1 by June 6th.
  3. Project 1 has been posted. I suggest you start working on Project 1 ASAP, Due June 4th.
  4. Gabrielle (TA) will be available before class on Thursday in our classroom from 4:15-4:40 for anyone who has questions about accessing the book or questions about assignments.


Project 3 – Google Analytics


Project 3, part 3 Google Analytics report is due Tuesday June 25th 2013 by 4pm.
Please review what is required in the report a the end of this document, you need to provide some information and answer some questions to receive credit.
You can send me an email with your answers. Below are the majority of the
class Blogs to drive traffic to each site. Please check out your classmate’s blog .

June 11th MIS Class Update

Your gradebook data has been updated with the Mid-term and Project 1 grades, you must log int to see your grade.  The mid-term and the project 1 will not be returned so if you have questions you must contact me individually. http://community.mis.temple.edu/gradebook/


Project 2 Logins are not working correctly so please hold off on Project 2.


Focus on Project 3. The 1st Part of Project 3 will be due this Thursday June 13th  before class. Gabrielle, our Ta, will hold office hours before class from 3pm -4:30pm for any questions on Project 3.




Thanks and see you tonight in class.


June 4th Update MIS 2101 Summer 1

Hello Class!

1. Project 1 due by the time class starts tonight. Please email me your answer sheet.

2. Quiz for Chapter 6 is due tonight before class. Quiz for Chapter 1 is due by 4pm June 6th.

3. Mid-term is in class on June 6th. 40-50 Questions Multiple choice based primarily on class lecture and quiz questions from the book.  Mid-term will cover Chapter 1,2,4,5,6


Resources for Temple Students

New   Technology Resources Released for Students

As we get ready   for the opening of a new semester, please help Computer Services spread the   word to our students about the following new technology resources released   this year:

  • Free        Microsoft Office for Matriculated Students: Microsoft        Office Professional Plus 2013 (for PC) and Microsoft Office 2011 (for        Mac) is available free for matriculated Temple students. Students log in        to TUportal, click on the My Portal tab,        and, under TUapplications,        click on Microsoft        Download.
  • 50GB of Free        OWLbox Storage Space: Students, faculty, and staff can        store and share files, collaborate on projects, and sync and edit files        in owlbox.temple.edu. A link to OWLbox is        also available on TUportal.
  • Print on the        Go from Mobile Devices: Due to student feedback, Print on the Go has been expanded to        accept print requests from students using their smart phones, iPads, and        other tablets.
  • Semantic Anti-Virus  $8 for students faculty and staff.   http://antivirus.temple.edu

If you have any questions, please contact the Help Desk through the TUhelp   web site at tuhelp.temple.edu or call 215-204-8000.

Have suggestions or feedback? Reply to this message or to templetech@temple.edu

MIS 2101 Sec 004 Latko

Good Afternoon Class!

The first meeting will be in Alter Hall Room A31 – on Monday August 26th 5:30pm.
We will not be using Blackboard for this class. We will use this blog site and the MY MIS Lab site for all assignments in this class.

More information to follow –  Latko