Let me tell you something……

Course structure

Class Meetings:

Class will meet every Monday from 5:30pm until 8:00pm.


Attendance will be taken each class.

Preparation for class

You are required to read the assigned chapter and take the quiz for each chapter before each class.  Bring your questions about the material to class.  There are no quiz makeups. Once you miss the deadline the quiz is closed. All material will not be covered in the lecture.

Extra Credit

Each student may chose to present a 5 minute presentation at the beginning of class.  You must notify me before the beginning of class if you are presenting that day. The presentation should be on a timely and relevant article related to the topics covered for that class.  This will result in up to 3 extra credit points added to your final grade.


Mid-term and Final

There will be a mid-term after Chapter 6 covering material from the first 5 classes.  The Final will be based on the Chapters covered after the mid-term.  Questions will be based loosely on questions covered on the in class power point and on the quizzes.

Mid-term  Oct 7th
Final   12/2 (during normal class time)