Let me tell you something……

Project 1: Business Applications

This project has three major parts and will require students to understand how to use different   application software to address a variety of business problems.  Each section of the project involves reading, interacting with some software, copying computer screen images into your assignment to demonstrate your work, and responding to questions.  Typical business applications addressed by this project will include: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Business Intelligence (BI).




 This assignment has three major parts.  Each part involves reading, interacting with some software, copying computer screen images into your assignment to demonstrate your work, and responding to questions.

Grading Criteria

This assignment will be graded using the fail, pass, pass-high grading scale described in the syllabus.

 Submission of Deliverable

Add your answers to this document and submit this document as a file.  Answers to questions should not be longer than two to three sentences.  Credit will be deducted for longer answers.

Submit your final project via email prior to class on the assigned date.  Please send your projects to jlatko@temple.edu 

To copy a screen image on your computer, press the Alt+PrtSc keys on your computer.  This copies the screen to the Windows clipboard.  Then go to the assignment Word document,

  • place the mouse cursor at the point where you want to insert the screen image
  • press and release the left mouse key
  • select Edit/Paste

You will need these files to complete the project:


Project 1 retail_sales_feb081