Let me tell you something……

Project 3: Digital Identity Management


This project will have several phases to it, where you will create an ‘e-portfolio’ for yourself, using WordPress and the Temple MIS Community site to create a professional resume and portfolio of yourself, and make it available to internet users.  You will then learn how to use Google Analytics to measure and analyze the data and traffic your e-portfolio ad generates.


All students need to begin building their Community E-Portfolio site early in the semester.  It takes time to build a good e-portfolio, and you don’t want to wait until the last minute.


There are two parts to Project 3 to get it working.

Part 1

You can create your E-Portfolio by going to the following site:


(Note: You must be logged in to Community to access this site.)

Another way to access the create blog site is to log-in to Community site, and then add ” /blogs/create ” in the url window.

If you have a problem creating your 1st blog click here for information

There are plenty of tutorials on Word Press on the internet.
There is  also a free resource to all Temple community members: Lynda Training  
Important: Do NOT build your eportfolio directly on WordPress…make sure you go to the community site at:  community.mis.temple.edu  

There are three initial actions you need to take when you get to the page to create your e-portfolio blog.

1.) Go to the first part – “Site Name“.  This is where you create your actual url address.  You should add either your first initial & last name, or just add your first and last name.

2.) Go to Site Title to create the main name for your site.  You can write something like: Welcome to My E-portfolio, or Carey O’Donnell’s Blog Site, or something similar.  This will be the headline on your e-portfolio.

3.)  Click YES to make your site available to the public.  Then just hit Create Site.  You now have an initial blog site!

The first thing you should do from here is to go to the “Dashboard” tab at the top, then then click the Appearance tab.  You first click “Themes” to find a pre-designed theme (look and layout) of your site.  You MUST pick on of these themes provided by the Community site; do not go directly to WordPress.

Then, you must activate the “Widgets” you want to use.  These include the main features needed for your site: Pages, Posts, Comments, and Links.  You click and drag these widgets to the Primary & Secondary widegts, depending on how you want your site to look.

The key to a good E-Portfolio site is: practice, practice, practice!!!  You need to experiment to get the look and feel that you want.  The visual appearance is important, so think about how to make a useful, functional…clean site.

Here is the main criteria for how the site will be graded:

  • You will need at least 5 Pages; do not use only Posts to organize your site!  The pages should include:  Welcome Page, Academic History, Career Objectives, Interests/Hobbies, and a Resume Page (you must have a resume in pdf format only that users can access and download on your resume page.)  Your welcome page MUST have a good photo of you in professional business dress….no casual dress!
  • You should have a section for posts, that you can use to add and update content that you find interesting to your site (e.g. articles, case studies, industry news, etc.)
  • You can include a comments section for users to contact you.
  • Add a links section for your favorite web links, including student associations, journals, magazines, and things you follow.
  • The more positive information you add about yourself, the more interesting you become to employers!
You should begin working your eportfolio’s as soon as possible. A good e-portfolio takes time, so don’t wait until the last minute!
Part 2:
Once your e-portfolio is up, then you will need to use Google Analytics to monitor and analyze the traffic going to your site.  You will need to print a report of your Analytics page as the final deliverable for this project.  Google Analyitics must be set up by  June 18th. 
EMAIL ME (jlatko@temple.edu) A SCREEN SHOT OF YOUR GOOGLE ANALYTICS SET-UP for credit on Part 2.
Once you turn on the Google Analytics, it does take 3-4 days before you start getting data, so you should create this as soon as your e-portfolio is up to give you enough time to generate traffic reports.   The reports are due by June 25th.
Here are the instructions for setting up Google Analytics:

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