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Why be an Statistician?

To tell about why I chose to be an Statistician and also help you to understand my Career Objectives (see: ) I need to tell you a brief history about how I made this decision.

In Brazil, the Educational System is not that different than the American Educational System, when we complete the 12th year of Vocational Education, all students apply to a course in a specific university through an exam, the student is free to apply in many different universities that he/she wants to study. Thus many students, I was facing the question: “Which major should I choice?”. My doubt was between Engineering or Stats, so I decided to learn a little bit about each major. One of the sources that convinced me to choose Stats  was a Brazilian magazine called Super Interessante  (Super Interesting), n° 271, Nov 2009. It has an article called “6 reason to believe that Statisticians are the professional from the future”.  That was the watershed moment for my decision.

During the college, I learn the software R, it is one of many programs for Statisticians. I used it to programming, and I liked to spend my time trying to write functions that could solve problems. It resulted posters in many congress. The passion for programming was arising and in January of this year, Forbes published an article called “Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of The Century?” (see: . After some research about what is Data Science and Data Scientist, I decided to be the Sexiest Professional of the Future, an Data Scientist with major in Stats. One day later, I started to write an algorithm that classify twitters by sentimental as my first step into Data Science. It is running properly! Now, my next step, it is still my secret because I am going to present the full work as my Final Project in Brazil.

Hope you enjoyed to learn about my history! I will wrote more about me. Keep visiting my page, I am sure that it will worth your time!

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