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  • Business process analysis
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Data analytics
  • Digital marketing
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Although I have just declared as a Management Information Systems major this semester, I have taken several courses in the past that offer relevant business experience. I am excited to move forward with this major over the next few semesters.

Fall 2017

Business Communications – Learned how to communicate succinctly and effectively in a business environment through presentations, professional email interactions, and team projects. This class boosted my confidence in public speaking and creating presentations as a team.

Professional Development Strategies – Learned about the professional environment in the corporate world with a focus on building and maintaining a social network, creating an effective resume, and job interviewing skills.

Spring 2018 – In Progress

Information Systems in Organizations – Learning about the role and importance of MIS in business. I anticipate leaving this class with a good understanding of the role I will play in the business world as an MIS major. Although it is early in the semester, I am enjoying using swimlane diagrams and ERDs. Organizing information is fun!

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