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  • Business process analysis
  • Data analytics
  • Database management systems
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Performance analytics support

Performance analytics was initially an extension of the MBA program and has since grown to sit within the Dean’s office at Fox.  The integrity and importance of analytics at Fox has become a priority of the Dean, so they have restructured the analytics department and increased the scope from MBA analytics to encompass Fox as a whole. I was a student worker assigned analyst work for the MBA program data.  I was tasked with learning Microsoft Power BI and focusing on the functionality and UX design of the dashboards in place and future builds. The projects I worked on mainly focused on cleaning up existing dashboards and implementing features which would help with user engagement. I worked on the Roadmap Student Dashboard, implementing a report page tool tip which was a new feature in Power BI, that would provide more insight into the data being presented to students. I worked on satisfaction dashboards to streamline many tabs/pages into fewer with more functionality through the use of bookmarks and buttons.  I worked to clean up MBA KPI dashboards in reducing words on the page through the use of better UX design. I learned a lot about data and some of the restrictions of software as well as the importance of how data can be misrepresented and maintaining the integrity of that data.

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