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2015 Campbell Soup Company Internship

This summer I was fortunate to work as an End User Services Intern at the Campbell Soup Company.  From May 2015- August 2015, I was responsible for providing end user support for over 11,000 employees with technical issues over the phone and in person. This included maintenance, administration, and resolving issues related to the technology the clients use. One of my main responsibilities was working the front counter of the weekly “ASK IT ?” sessions. ASK IT? is a weekly session for 3 hours that gave end users an opportunity to bring their technical related issues and have them solved “on-the spot” instead of the normal protocol which could take 6-12 hours for the problem to be resolved. The result of this service reduced downtime and saved the company thousands of dollars. I was also able to provide support for remote users in India, imaged computers for new employees and setup meeting rooms, board rooms, and training rooms with video conferencing via Skype and other technical equipment. One of my favorite experiences was meeting Campbell’s CIO Joe Spagnoletti. We discussed his vision and challenges for the company. There was a quote that he said that I apply to all major decisions in my life. “The goal is to get the best outcome, for the lowest cost at the fastest speed.” After meeting with him I had a better understanding of my role in End User Services. My experience at the Campbell Soup Company has given me confidence and skills that I will value forever. I’m very excited to see what the future holds as an IT professionalchain

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