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This Year
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MIS 3506 (Digital Solutions Studio) – Learned to properly diagnose usability errors in an MIS related scenario using tools we were taught throughout the course. Also designed a website in wordpress in several stages after analyzing UX at each stage.

MIS 3406 (Enterprise IT Architecture) – Built fundamental concepts and experience concerning Amazon Web Services and Node.JS. Completed a semester long project that consisted of designing and building a cloud infrastructure, then launching an application that I created myself on to the server.

MIS 2402 (Data-centric application development) – Learned several coding languages, and their application to the MIS field (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JQuery)

MIS 2502 (Data analytics)- Learned about the analyzing and organizing of data. I gained a basic understanding of the use of several platforms for data analytics (SQL, NoSQL, R, Tableau Prep, Decision Trees)

MIS 2101 (Intro to MIS)- Learned the foundation of management of information systems.


My coursework relates to my career and interests by laying the foundational knowledge I need to succeed in my field. I have learned so many different technical fields in my courses like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, SQL, and R. These are all skills that I need to have some level of expertise in during my career. Throughout my classes, I find my knowledge on information systems as a whole increasing tremendously. As I progress, I hope to learn more interesting things I am able to do with my career.


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