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Professional Development

IT Related Webinar

On December 9th, I took part in an IT related webinar. This webinar was an information session on the tools needed to become a data analyst. They mainly covered “The big 3”, which is excel, SQL, and a business related modeling tool (Tableau). It is interesting because it outlined the path that I have ahead of me, as I do have interest in becoming a data analyst. I learned how to apply the skills that I’ve been learning to a potential career in the information realm.

Data Analytics Challenge

The Data Analytics Challenge was a project where we received a large .csv file of various medical records. Our job was to clean up the data, and analyze the data. We used Tableau Prep to clean and organize the data. Tableau Prep made it really easy to omit the data that we weren’t interested in, as well as locate spelling errors, and other issues in the data. From there we used tableau, and excel to create spreadsheets, and graphs showing how the data changed over time. This allowed us to answer the following questions: 1. Which rare diseases had the most trials? 2. Can you identify future trends in clinical trials?


The API project

This was a class project in MIS2402. In this project, we had to choose an API, make a working proof of concept, and write the relevance of the API. I chose an API that constantly updates the website with a list of astronauts.  It is interesting to an MIS professional, because it shows my ability to effectively code. I learned more about using .post, and .get in jQuery throughout this assignment.

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