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No Arena in Chinatown Solidarity Volunteer

As a media volunteer at NACS Philly, my goal is to educate myself and the public about the historical and cultural significance of Chinatown across the country. This includes doing teach-inand raising awareness about the proposed 76ers arena in the broader context of gentrification within Philadelphia and global land grabs.  My main job is producing content in partnership with local businesses in Philadelphia’s Chinatown as a show of solidarity to amplify their demands on the city and help improve their overall business.  I also collaborated with other local AAPI justice-focused organizations on Instagram to create a larger advocacy community and achieve organic growth in followers and meaningful social media engagement.

I always seek to make an impact through my work and like to think that it’s a part of a movement that promotes inclusivity. Following a movement that promotes a sense of belonging, inclusion, and unity is a privilege for me. These works represent a part of my identity as a young Asian woman navigating through the mist of anti-Asian hate in the US. I learned more about resiliency in a movement and how to stay grounded amidst hardship.

This is the link to NACS Philly’s Instagram:

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