Intern at G-Info Technology Ltd. Company
G-Info Technology Ltd. Company is a professional software company located in Chongqing. G-Info Technology offers software design, software development of cellphone application, micro-site development, website construction, and direct-sales system design. G-Info Technology also has sale distribution channels for computer software and hardware, environmental protection equipment, and medical equipment.
In my role as an assistant intern at the Technology Information Department of G-Info Technology, I collected, organized, uploaded customer’s’ information into the database via Microsoft Excel and MySQL. I meet with a team of interns and the Manager of the Technology Information Department weekly to discuss what is the new functional update and how to optimize the information system. I also received the opportunity to visit the Department of Website Construction and to talk with engineers about their daily works and experiences.
During my intern at G-Info Technology, I learned the integrated information transaction through the Technology Information Department, which applied what I’ve learned in class to the real working world. I also learned the operation of a software company during the network within the company, which made me a more prepared professional for my future internship or full-time position.