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Job/Intern Experience

Part Time Job Experience

Waltz Golf Farm in Limerick, PA

I have worked at a family-owned golf farm for five years.  The golf farm included mini golf courses, a driving range, and a small course.  I started as a cashier and a standard employee.  After three years, I was promoted to an assistant manager position and have held that position for three more years.  As an assistant manager, I handled things like inventory and the ordering of supplies.  I assisted the overseeing of approximately fifteen employees.  Customer satisfaction was important to retain customers for the business.  I made sure customers were accommodated appropriately and guided other employees on how to approach and communicate to customers.  I also was tasked to count the revenue made at the end of the night and report it to the accountant and owners of the business.


NXTSports in Philadelphia, PA

I worked as an intern at NXTSports for a month.  Some of my tasks included data mining and editing data.  I was given an excel page of potential client’s names and other information.  I had to search for names and add to and edit the information for each client.   I was also able to listen in on sales calls with customers of the company.  This internship gave me experience working with data and transforming it into valuable data for the company.


Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Philadelphia, PA

I worked as a full time intern at CHOP for the summer.  I worked in health information management under the information services department.  I did data integrity and data analysis work during my time there.  Some of my tasks included running reports of the medical records in inventory for different departments of the hospital.  I would then analyze the reports to see how active each department’s inventory was.  I also analyzed reports to see outdated records that could be destroyed from inventory to cut down on inventory costs.  This internship gave me a great workplace experience, and I learned hands-on skills and also communication skills in an IT environment.

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