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The following courses are MIS classes I have taken at Temple as of Fall 2020. They have all been very valuable in relating to my career interest. I have learned various data analysis and visualization skills as well as web programming skills. These courses have done a tremendous job in laying the foundation of the technical skill set that is required in the modern workforce.

Data Science (MIS 0855)

  • Worked with and manipulated data sets in Microsoft Excel to draw valuable insights.
  • Created data visualizations in Tableau and presented findings.

Honors Introduction to Management Information Systems (MIS 2901)

  • Learned about IT as a business enabler and management information systems applications including:
    • customer relationship management systems
    • enterprise systems
    • e-commerce applications
    • transaction processing systems
    • business analytics,
    • emerging technologies

Data Analytics (MIS 2502)

  • Operated and managed a database system in MySQL and NoSQL to present insights
  • Learned about business association rules that help to create data models.

Web Application Development (MIS 2402)

  • Learned and applied basic principles common to all programming languages
  • Learned and used HTML5, CSS and JavaScript to present web solutions
  • Leaned how to use tools including Bootstrap and jQuery to amplify application development

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