
Interests and Hobbies


Music has been apart of my life ever since I can remember. When I was five I began playing the violin and continued with that until I was in the fifth grade. I began playing piano in the third grade, which I continued to play until I graduated high school. In high school, I sang in Advanced Choir, Choral Ensemble, Show Choir, and an a Capella group.

When I went to college, I gave up most of my music. It wasn’t until I joined Sounds Like Treble, an all-girls a Capella group, that I realized how much I had missed it and how much it meant for me to be involved with. Since joining my freshman year, I became the Music Director of the group, and will keep that position until I graduate.


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I have always had a travel-bug. I spent my freshman summer volunteering with an organization called Abriendo Mentes in Potrero, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. There I was teaching english classes for Kindergarten-6th graders.

The spring semester of my sophomore year, I studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain and spent my time living there with a host family to get to know the language and submerge myself in the culture.

In efforts to keep traveling in my life, I added International Business to my major. I hope to someday have a career that gives me the freedom to travel and explore on my own, while also taking me to new and adventurous places as a part of the job.

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