
Career Aspirations

Upon graduating in December, I plan to pursue a career in advertising.

Because of my creative nature, I aspire to work in an industry that allows me to express my creativity and use it to connect businesses with their consumers. Promotion is an important aspect of Marketing in any business. Personally, I love the feeling that I get when I gain loyalty to a certain brand, communicate with them via social media, or see an advertisement that moves me. In order to create a loyal customer base, promotion is an important contributor. There are many ways to promote a product or service, and using creativity and risk is necessary to find what works, and I am excited to someday be apart of that.

I plan to start working with an advertising agency as an Associate Publicist, eventually working my way into Account Services and Management. I look forward to being the liaison between the creative and strategic minds of the people who create the brands we love.


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