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  • Cyber-security
  • Dashboards
  • Data analytics
  • Data mining
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Coding in C: During my time as a computer science major before switching into MIS, i learned programming fundamentals in the language: C/C++. Along with programming fundamentals, I also learned how to write my own programs from scratch using the techniques that were taught to me. 

Data Centric Application Development: Data Centric App Dev taught me a-lot of important fundamentals for basic webpage-application programming. By building a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax, and APIs; I was able to grow my skills as a web-application developer and become a better programmer.

Information Systems in Organizations: MIS 2101 is an important class that lays the groundwork for the rest of the classes in the department. This class taught me a-lot on how MIS changes an organization and how the efficient use of information can change the structure of a business.

Data Analytics: Data analytics was a very useful class that taught me different ways of critical thinking and various data analysis languages. I learned how to use different languages including: SQL, NoSQL, R, RStudio, and Tableau

Cloud Architecture: Build and deploy RESTful APIs while gaining an understanding of how to set up a working cloud architecture for a company. Gain knowledge of server-side coding and connecting a webpage to a running database on AWS

User Experience: Gain an insight into the world of design and how to strategically create user experiences that flow seamlessly.

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