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This Year
180 Points
1265 Points
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Landscaping- Begining at 14 years old, I started contracting myself to small yard work jobs and eventually grew a small clientele to work for. I made all of these connections by myself and I still work for them over the summer periodically. This experience taught me at an early age that communication and customer satisfaction are key points in running a successful business.

Calvin Klein Sales Associate- This was my first real job. Here I learned many important skills including team-building, understanding how to interact with customers on a professional level, and how to maintain a safe work environment. I would often receive compliments from my superiors on my hard work and also received employee of the month.

Snitz Creek Restaurant, Chef- At this job I mainly developed a strong work ethic from working up to 12 hours a shift. I also improved my team-building skills as I would work with many other employees to make sure the food customers ordered was arriving on time.

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