Community Platform
  • Business to Business (B2B)
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media
  • Social networking
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Recent Work Experience

bbbbbbbbeeeeeee         I am currently employed at the busy and entertaining B101 Radio Station, also known as WBEB FM.  Even though I have been there now over a year and a half, I feel as though I still am learning new things every day. I began as a promotions assistant but near my one year mark I was promoted to Team Leader.  Team Leader is referred to as the person that is in charge and handles all issues on sales and community events within and around the Greater Philadelphia Area. The crew that is assigned to an event, often referred to as “the bee crew,” is equipped to handle large scale events. Such popular events can attract up to as many as 500 + people to attend.  When I’m not out in the community promoting the station, I am in the office helping out with current marketing and sales projects. I personally specialize in cold calling local businesses that might be interested in becoming clients of our Rewards Program. This program has been the longest running promotion for the station to date and has proven worthy by gaining over 50,000 registered users. These users attend events and play games to earn rewards for prizes. My job is to determine viable  local businesses interested in gaining free promotional exposure in exchange for a gift card that we can use in our program.

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These pictures were taken at community events B101 helped promote.

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