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Student Worker-Engineering & Operations

  1. Job function
  • Administered Windows and Linux systems to ensure operational capabilities
  • Built and managed the configuration systems for Linux machines using Puppet
  • Created automated progress reports of ongoing Eng. & Ops projects for our team members’ and Director’s reference                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2. Examples of projects
  • Worked on a project to retire 310 University-hosted Windows 2008 servers by consulting with user(s) to upgrade the OS or decommission
  • Improved University’s server-discrepancy reporting process by leading a project to eliminate inconsistencies between 5 enterprise systems                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           3. What I learned and how it relates to MIS
  • Improved my technical knowledge of enterprise IT architecture and the administration of operating systems
  • Honed analytical and IT project management skills
  • Improved communication skills while working with IT experts as well as non-technical employees
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