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A few of my interests include music and community service. Overall, I have a very musical family that  has encouraged me to pursue music since I was a child. I studied piano from age six to sixteen and still enjoy finding new music to learn and play in my free time. After learning to read music I briefly played the violin, before switching to flute in high school. While in high school I was a member of the symphonic band and traveled throughout the country to compete in various competitions. Although in college it is sometimes difficult to make my own music, I am still an active listener and enjoy attending acapella concerts when I can. I believe music is a great way to bring people together while celebrating each other’s talents.

This is a photo of me with my high school’s symphonic band outside the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:

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In addition to music I also actively engage in community service. One program I am particularly passionate about is the M.O.S.E.S Tutoring and Literacy Program in Philadelphia. Each week I work as a student volunteer tutoring elementary and middle school age children in reading and math. Through the program I have gained insight into the literacy problem that plagues low-income schools. As a tutor I feel that I have helped inspire the children to work hard, and get excited about learning. As an extension of my interest in community service, I am also an event committee member for Business Honors Student Association. As a committee member I am responsible for coming up with new community service activities that the entire organization can pursue long-term.

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