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Center of Expertise Intern

  1. Job Title: Center of Expertise Intern

    Organization: SAP America Inc.

    Job Date: May 22nd- August 20th

    This summer, I worked on a team that focused of predictive maintenance and service at SAP in Newtown Square. My team consisted of 40 employees but typically I worked alongside 5 to 10 people. My job mainly consisted of writing scripts to supplement the existing predictive maintenance systems, researching new methods of implementing Internet of Things technology, and optimizing existing code. For example, I was tasked with finding a faster way to upload a company’s historic data to the system. I created a python script that was able to batch together JSON payloads and send massive amounts of data with ease (pictured below). The project introduced me to python and gave me a better understanding of object-oriented programming. Additionally, I learned how versatile python is as a programming language.

    My experience this summer helped build upon the data analytics foundation I gained in 2502. While optimizing the scripts that were written by my coworkers, I was introduced to a level of SQL coding that far exceeded what we were taught in the curriculum. SQL for SAP HANA possessed functionality that I would not have been introduced to outside of SAP. As well as developing my SQL and python skills, this internship gave me hands on experience with many innovative products in the SAP portfolio. Gaining hands on experience with their IoT and PDMS products was very beneficial to my career.

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