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I could not picture where my life would be without sports.  Growing up, I was introduced to the Phillies, Sixers and Steelers.  My Aunt Karen played a big role in my youth by buying me tickets to go see the Phillies and Sixers.  As a student at Duquense, my Dad worked for the Pittsburgh Steelers and raised me as a Steelers fan.  Now, I am a student at Temple University and work for the Temple Men’s Basketball Team and really started to connect with the school and the team.  Below are descriptions about why sports and these teams are my main interest and hobby in life.


Being a fan of the 76ers growing up, Allen Iverson became my role model on the basektball court.  Iverson is the reason I started to love playing basketball.  Watching Iverson as a kid made me realize how to play the game and Iverson always gave 110% effort every single night.  One of his greatest quotes was, “only the strong survive”.  Iverson taught me a lot by his play on the court and I will always remember watching him as a kid growing up.


Although I was not as much of a baseball fan as a basketball fan growing up, the Phillies have always been my team.  Following a team through a World Series season is an amazing experience as I was able to experience that with the Phillies.  In a career sense, I could see myself working for the Phillies.  Last year our Sports Marketing Association at Temple went on a tour of Citizens Bank Park and was able to speak to Human Resources professionals.  The tour made me realize what a great organization the Phillies are and I would be happy to have a role with the team.


Like the Phillies, the Steelers have been my favorite team growing up.  Living through two of the Steelers Super Bowls has also been an amazing experience just like the Phillies World Series run.  Ironically, I went on a tour of the Steelers stadium last summer and got to speak with some industry professionals as well.  The Steelers organization seems to be a world class one and I could see myself working for a team like that.

Temple Men’s Basketball

When I transferred to Temple after my freshmen year at Millersville, one of the first things I wanted to do was get involved in sports.  Becoming a manager on the Men’s Basketball Team allowed me to do that.  I have learned so much in the past two years of being a manager and I can say it has lead to many other great opportunities in the sports field for myself.

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