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IBIT Mentoring Program

Mentor: Dinesh R Desai


IBIT Mentoring program was a great opportunity for me. As an international student, I was having a hard time making connections for the last couple years. As I also listed in my application form  being student-athlete steals some time from career events that Fox Business School offers. Mentoring program matched me with a high experience executive and all I needed to do was email his assistant and show up for the virtual meeting. It was a great opportunity to make connections and be able to talk with executives.

We had a great connection with my mentor Mr. Desai, and when he understood my career focus he directed me to that department and I made other two connections as well. I’m really happy to have conversations I did all over the company. The way he shared my contact with other people from the company made me really happy. I would never find a chance to communicate with their cybersecurity specialist one on one. I connected with people that I would never imagine.

It also helped me for lots of aspects:

  • I was debating myself about rushing my graduation and doing master school because there are a good amount of people out in the industry who think working experience counts more after graduation. But conversations I made with the company helped me decide that Temple’s cybersecurity program would help me a lot.
  • I gained confidence about making new connections. It was the first time I was talking with an executive face to face. When you are an international student you always run away from introduction calls and meetings. All of the people I talked to never made me feel that my english or communication skills were not enough. They were really patient.
  • Every single new information I got from this company also made me connect other people from industry. Now, I\’m more confident about talking about industry improvements and new technologies. It was almost like learning a new language called \”IT\”.
  • I noticed why my major is a true choice for me and how I can adjust it in the future. Now, I\’m loving what I\’m into and it made me connect my job choice even more.
  • The company member Keason taught me the motivations for hacking and how I can be successful with cybersecurity. I\’m so grateful that I had a chance to meet him. We met him 3 times and he was always helpful to me. I have still his contact and in the future he will be the person I\’ll always keep in touch with.

I can count even more great points about the Mentoring Program. I think it was the point of my life that I became a knowledgeable MIS major student than a regular college kid. I want to thank the staff who let me be in this program!

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